Original handbell pieces (written especially for handbells and suitable for a variety of general uses):
Glorious Celebration - Dobrinski (upbeat/joyful)
Soliloquy - Phillips (reflective/flowing, uses many special techniques)
Pealing Bells (imitates a Bell Tower carillon)
Arrangements and Transcriptions:
Bridal Chorus - Wagner (for weddings)
Christmas Carols:
We have a variety of carols available, both sacred and secular, such as
Up on the Housetop
Silent Night
Jingle Bells
Carol of the Bells
Gloria (based on carol tunes)
Spirituals and Hymns:
Somebody Knockin’ at Your Door
Swing Low, Sweet Chariot
This Train
Deep River
large repertoire of hymns
World Music:
Contemporary Songs and Pop:
The choir can usually learn contemporary and pop songs upon request. (Additional fees for sheet music and rehearsal time may apply.)